このピカソのポスターは言わば消耗品(所定の箇所に、剥がされないよう刷毛で糊を塗って張りつける手法)であったが故に、所有者は今日において日本は勿論パリでも、おそらく他に誰もいないのでは。特別に保管している所があれば別だが、例えばピカソ美術館。そうであるならば世界で個人の所持はこれ一枚? Back then, the posters by Picasso were so-called consumables and were pasted by glue so that they wouldn’t be removed and taken away. As such, I very much doubt if anyone possesses a copy of the poster in Japan and even in France other than those kept for a special reason, for example, in Musée Picasso. If so, this may be the only copy in the possession of an individual. |