石畳のなだらか坂道に、こぢんまりとした気どらないカフェ・バー。 1階は店、2回以上が住宅。店内は狭いながら凝った内装でしゃれた感じ。 ちょっと一息できる和やかな空間を作り上げたくつろげる店。 それに手頃な飲み代(しろ)が何より。 カウンター席で深い香りのワインを傾けている人。 その片隅において一杯機嫌で飲み干す、おなじみさん。 つまみはいつものサラミとカマンベールチーズ、ときに生ハム。 一人ひとりが心地よく過ごせて、いい雰囲気が漂う。 隣のブティックのショーウインドーは、夜の散歩者のためか、 店舗を閉めた後も明かりがほのかに照らす。 On the gentle cobblestone slope, there is a tiny casual café bar. The bar is on the ground floor. The upper floors are apartments. It is small but chic with sophisticated interior. There you can relax, feeling at home in the cozy atmosphere. And the price of the drink is anything but outrageous. Someone is sipping a glass of wine at the bar. The wine has a rich bouquet. In the corner, a regular guest, already tipsy, is draining his drink dry, nibbling his usual salami and Camembert. Sometimes he also likes ham. Everyone is having a good time and the air is congenial. The boutique next door is closed but its shop windows are faintly lit, perhaps to help the strollers at night. |