Recent works of oil painting 
                                                                   Click the image for zoom
A room with yellow wall
A playland
Still life on a round table
Still life in a room
Still life on a table
A garden with
‘Princess Michiko’ roses
A sunken road in Kamakura
A view of the lake
 Two figures
Release a bird
A person who reads
a book
A figure
A house in the countryside
One afternoon
A fish and still life
A fountain in the park 
Rural landscape
 The garden of a temple
Shell mounds 
Trees on the field  
A violin in the room
A bottle and fruit
A Cape in Minami Izu
 Blue garden
 Go up the stairs
 Still life
Still life on the table
Landscape with a single tree
 Landscape with a single tree
 Scenery A
 Scenery D
 Scenery E
Scenery with a watch towerA・B
    ≪火の見やぐらのある風景 C≫
 Scenery with a watch tower C
 Road and field
A slope: A 
 A slope: B

An alley in Montmartre

 River Seine and Notre Dame Cathedral
 A café bar at night in Paris
 A flea market
 Paris street corner
 View of Paris
A room in the suburb
of Paris (Blue)
 A room in the suburb of
Paris (Red)
 The Seine, the river bank
A person in the room
Montmartre Hill: A
Montmartre Hill: Bhil B
Montmartre Hill:C
 A room overlooking the garden
 Birds in the cage
A boat floating in the canal
 Sailboat scenery
 Hillside houses
 A red figure
 Still Life
A figure
Four solid forms 
 Resting on a bench
 A view of the mountain and the river
Blue  scenery
 A room with a piano

In production


ナビ(Nabis)派きっての理論家モーリス・ドニ(Maurice Denis)は、次のように述べている。普遍性を持つ言葉とは言い難いが。「絵画とは、一定の秩序のもとに集められた色彩によって覆われた平坦な面であることを想起せよ」と。


From careful observation of an object, I take a step for creating a composition to enhance the organic unity of the object only by simplifying its shape and color instead of concentrating on its lines dividing the object and outer world.

Coloration, expressed as one of the styles of medium forms, generates a resonance in the painting by parallelizing a comparison between complementary color and the shape its mass creates, and values the planeness of a preliminary design for a painting. Color planes could be considered anything and defined as both a representational and an abstract painting.

All the above are related to “HOW” I create works with simplification And if I talk about “WHY”, it is “for excitement and deep impression of art.”

Maurice Denis, a French painter and writer, and a member of the Symbolist and Les Navis movements said "Remember that a picture, before being a battle horse, a nude, an anecdote or whatnot, is essentially a flat surface covered with colors assembled in a certain order."
                                 Au moment de création

En basant sur l’observation des sujets, je privilégie les formes et couleurs plutôt que la beauté du trait du dessin afin d’obtenir la composition qui met en valeur la cohérence organique.
Les couleurs sont au service d’expression de certain style de formes, ces dernières créent les masses de couleurs juxtaposent celles complémentaires et résonnent en écho. J’accorde de l’importance à l’aspect décoratif et plan de la surface. Les coloris de chaque surface dépassent le
clivage figuratif – abstrait, par conséquent on peut considérer ces oeuvres librement comme l’un ou l’autre, ou les deux à la fois.
Ci-dessus je décris « comment » des techniques de création. Mais si je me pose la question de « pourquoi », c’est-à-dire l’idée de base, la
réponse est « l’émotion qui fait vibrer le cœur de ceux qui regardent ».
J’aimerais citer les mots de Maurice Denis, le peintre qui était le meilleur théoricien de l’école Nabi. Quoique je ne les trouve pas universels : « Se rappeler qu’un tableau, avant d’être un cheval de bataille, une femme nue ou une quelconque anecdote, est essentiellement une surface plane
recouverte de couleurs en un certain ordre, assemblées. »
Denis, a French painter and writer, and a member of the Symbolist and Les Navis movements said "Remember that a picture, before being a battle horse, a nude, an anecdote or whatnot, is essentially a flat surface covered with colors assembled in a certain order."  (仏文)
